Community theatre... what's involved?
Would you like to be involved in the Bunbury Repertory Club but not sure what you could do?
Below is an idea of all the areas you could get involved in, and a description of what's involved. Remember, you don't have to be on stage to be a part of the club. Some of our most active members have never performed on stage and don't intend to.
Directing - This person is responsible for the entire production. This includes casting, sourcing production helpers etc.
This person has the support of the entire club.
Producing - Helps the Director and takes on roles such as coordinating with publicity person, looking after the background tasks.
Acting - On stage in a specific character performing in shows.
Stage Managing - This person is responsible for the coordination of the stage crew and all stage-related tasks for the performance. They direct what is to be done between scenes and coordinate the actors to the stage for cues. The Stage Manager is in charge of the entire production once the play moves into performances. They take over from the director.
Stage Crew - Under the direction of the stage manager, the stage crew changes sets during performances and helps the
stage manager in any way needed. The scope of role is dependant on the type of production.
Property Manager - This person is responsible for sourcing any props needed for the production and keeping track of them during rehearsals and show. They ensure the actors have what they need on the stage or on their person before walking on stage.
Lighting Coordination - This person operates the stage lights during performances.
Lighting Designer - Designs the lights according the to the director's needs for the production.
Sound Operation - Operates the sound during performances and lead-up rehearsals.
Wardrobe Coordinator – looks after the club's stock of costumes. This involves maintaining the costumes and liaising with the production's costume coordinator to determine what is needed for each production or event.
Costume Coordinator - Sources and/or creates costumes for the cast of a specific production. This person may not have sewing abilities but coordinates what costumes are needed and delegates to members that do sew or sources existing costumes from elsewhere and casts wardrobes.
Costume Creator - Requires sewing abilities and creates costumes as per the direction of the costume coordinator.
Makeup - Does the actors makeup before performances with the director's input and any make-up changes needed during performances. E.g. the addition of a black eye.
Hair - Does the actors' hair before and during performances with the director's input.
Set Designer - Designs the set needed for the production. This may be a simple set with a few flats or a large box set.
Set Builders - Build the set. This usually requires a fair amount of people and is coordinated by the stage manager, director or set designer.
Set Painters - This can require simply painting a wall one colour or can integrate landscape painting. All levels of painting abilities are welcome.
Front of House Coordinator – this role involves contacting and putting together a team of members each night to sell programs, usher or sell tickets before a show.
Programme Sellers - Sells programmes at performances.
Kitchen Coordinator - Organises the tea/coffee and snacks available at performances and the drama festival. Also coordinates the kitchen helpers.
Kitchen Helpers - Helps in the kitchen during performances selling tea, coffee and snacks and helps clean up at the end of the night.
Ticket Sellers - Sell tickets at the door before a performance.
Ushers - Show people to seats and sit in auditorium during show to ensure quiet or to assist anyone needing to exit safely.
Chairperson - This roles overseas the entire club. They run the committee meetings, annual general meetings and many other tasks.
Deputy Chairperson – Aids the Chairperson in duties and steps into the chairperson role if the occupant is unable to fulfil role.
Secretary - Takes minutes at committee meetings, collates paperwork and provides administrative and secretariat support fror the club. Also manages the club email and prepares formal correspondence.
Treasurer – Looks after club finances including banking and paying any bills/invoices in consultation with the committee.
Committee - Committee members help make decisions concerning the club's operations and strategic planning. Committee members are expected to attend committee meetings once a month with possible ongoing tasks in between.
Drama Festival Coordinator - This position coordinates and organises the entire Annual Drama Festival. This includes sourcing the adjudicator and liaising with theatre groups all over the state as well as ensuring the smooth running of the weekend.
Drama Festival Helpers - This role assists the drama festival coordinator in organising the festival.
Please note - the annual drama festival is currently on hold, but if you have the drive and skills to help us reinvigorate it, we'd love to hear from you!
Junior Repertory Coordinator - Prepares and runs the drama classes each week and is the Director of any shows
performed, as well as liaising with venue bookings. Coordinates with treasurer the session fee’s and reports back to the committee regarding the class. Also holds a Working with Children Check card and a Senior First Aid Certificate.
Junior Repertory Helpers - Helps within the classes and performances if needed. Supports the teachers and
children within their ability. If over 18, holds a Working with Children Check card.
Website Coordinator - Runs the content of the website. Places advertising for any upcoming shows or events.
Ensures that is up to date, relevant and engaging. Liaises with website designer for specific changes.
Website Data Entry - This role helps the coordinator compile pages like this and helps upload past play histories.
Social Media Content Coordinator - Keeps our social media presence up-to-date and engaging. Ensures that there is activity on all sites regularly.
Playreading Coordinator - Coordinates the monthly reading of a play. Sources a play to be read on the night and allocates roles to those in attendance. The play may be one a future director is considering or one read for enjoyment. Actors are not cast from these readings.
Newsletter Coordination - Collects and writes the content for the monthly newsletter. Requires contact with anyone who has a piece, or wishes to have one, in the newsletter including the Chairperson's introduction.
Newsletter Design - Collates the content from the coordinator to the final design of the newsletter.
Marketing - Responsible for the marketing of the productions and the club. Promote the productions to bring in the audience members. Liaises with media and program coordinators,
poster designers etc. Oversees the face of the club to the public.
Programme design - designs the look and layout of the programmes for a show.
Programme content coordination - content for the programmes that are sold at performances
Poster/Graphic Design - Designing the artwork that is used in the posters and advertising promotional material.
Poster distribution - Coordinates production of promotional posters and manages distribution to shops etc around Bunbury and its surrounds, with the help of members and the wider community.