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One Wild Oat


Performed February 1953 

At The Little Theatre, Molloy Street, Bunbury

Directed by Enid Semour

Cast Picture (left to right)

Judith Dawson

John Phillips 

Verna Norgard

Colleen Repacholi (seated)

Malcolm Freyberg

Mary MacKinnon (seated)

Audrey Bellett

Alan Hughes

Howard Cutter

Hilda Wright (seated)

Roger Dawe

Neville Wood

Maureen Greenaway


CAST (in order of appearance)



Judith Dawson

Caroline Proudfoot

Hilda Wright

Gregory Throstle

Neville Woods

Cherrie Proudfoot

Colleen Repacholi

Alfred Gilbey

Audrey Bellet

Fred Gilbey

Malcolm Mackinnon

Lydia Gilbey

Mary Mackinnon

Mr. Pepys

Howard Cutter


Roger Dawes

GLoria Samson

Verna Norgard

Mr Samson

John Phillips

Audrey Cuttle

Maureen Greenway



Behind the scenes Crew

Stage Manager

Betty Dawe

make up 

Dorothy Teede

Costumes and Hair Styles

John Cycle


Mar Higgins

Lighting Effects

Bill Golding


Betty Dawe


Alex mcMurray


Mary Richards


Mae Higgins

Stage Crew

Betty Richards

Alan Hughes

Neville Woods

John Phillips

Fred Haylock

Written by Vernon Sylvaine


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